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Thermal insulation

Thermal insulation

Improving the thermal insulation of the house is the best way to avoid heat loss and thus save energy. Installing a good thermal insulator on walls, even on ceilings and floors, can result in energy savings of up to 35% in heating costs. Let's see how you can insulate your home and what is the best thermal insulation for your business.

The importance of thermal insulation

People began to think about thermal insulation when they realized how much energy is actually spent on heating the street. Through several cold bridges, heat escapes from the room, practically does not remain inside, and energy carriers are consumed at a cosmic speed.

Thermal insulation in the house helps to save on the consumption of natural resources, saving the entire budget. The degree of its relevance - further.

In addition to significant savings in energy and money, thermal insulation protects walls from natural influences that lead to early destruction. Efficiently insulated external walls ensure the correct distribution of heat throughout the room, thereby improving the microclimate inside the rooms.


What is thermal insulation?

It is the ability of a building system to resist the passage of heat, acting as a barrier between two media. As for buildings, it means that they are isolated from the weather to maintain their temperature.


Homes are exposed to extreme weather, a condition that is more severe in winter or summer, as cold and heat do their work, affecting comfort within the structure.



To ensure the correct insulation of buildings in Chile, the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism created Decree No. 192, which defines the thermal resistance that building materials must have, depending on the region in which the houses are located.


This has made thermal insulation a more popular concept, and a factor to consider when designing housing projects.


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3 reasons why thermal insulation is important

Although the agency's regulations are relevant, insulation of homes from temperatures is essential for economic, environmental and quality of life reasons.


1. Greater comfort

Good insulation provides the house with more comfort. For the environment to be pleasant, the temperature should be maintained between 18 and 20 degrees, and the humidity between 40 and 60%.


2. Economy

Proper insulation means fewer stoves or air conditioners are used to maintain the temperature. The result? Less waste of energy and money.


3. Less pollution

Heating and cooling systems generate the greenhouse effect (an increase in temperature due to the concentration of gases), which negatively affects the environment. However, this can be reduced by using a good heat insulator. The reason: if the use of appliances to maintain temperature is reduced, the production of polluting gases decreases.


Insulation Materials

To obtain these benefits, there are building systems that allow maintaining the thermal insulation of ventilated roofs, facades, windows and floors.


Main types

1. Expanded polystyrene

2. Mineral or rock wool

3. Glass wool

4. Polyurethane foam

5. Aluminum films

Aspects to consider in thermal insulation solutions

1. Insulating materials are used to isolate cold and heat

In winter they prevent heat from leaving the house, while in summer, they prevent high temperatures from entering the home through walls, ceilings, and floors.


2. “Thermal Resistance”

Also called the "R-value", it expresses the level of thermal insulation of the material. The higher its value, the higher its resistance.

Thermal insulation features

A well insulated home offers many very interesting advantages to consider before insulating that help make a positive decision.

Thermal comfort and luxury at home.

Good thermal insulation will ensure a comfortable temperature inside the house, a constant temperature independent of the room and independent of the season of the year and therefore the outside temperature.

Prevent moisture and mildew.

In a well-insulated house, moisture does not appear due to condensation, that is, there are no cold areas where the surrounding moisture condenses.

Energy saving

Adequate thermal insulation saves air conditioning energy, both in winter and summer. Depending on the house and the type of insulation chosen, the savings can be greater than 50% of the total energy expenditure on air conditioning.

Environmental care

An efficient home consumes less energy, thus reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and thus cares about the environment.

Thermal insulation in floors

This is one of the most important places in the home or office that needs to be included in the thermal insulation system, yet it is the most forgettable. Thermal insulation in the floors represents a 20% saving of stored energy.

Cold radiation comes from floors that do not have thermal insulation, which makes the house not have the necessary comfort to stay in. Priority in the insulation project for walls and ceiling.

It is advisable to include flooring in a thermal insulation project, especially when the youngsters of the family spend a lot of time playing on the floor of the house. It is a pleasant way to maintain the level of thermal efficiency, providing maximum comfort for the whole family.

The most recommended solution for floor insulation is underfloor heating. Its composition increases thermal resistance, thanks to the heating of the system capable of storing energy.


Thermal insulation is the limitation of heat transfer between contacting objects or within their radiation range. Thermal insulation provides an area where heat is reflected by conduction and heat by radiation. The thermal insulation capacity of a material is measured as the inverse of its thermal conductivity.

In the home, thermal insulation is the set of materials and technologies that are applied to building elements to separate spaces while reducing heat transfer.

From a thermal point of view, a house is an assembly made up of different materials that come into contact with a somewhat hot or cold environment, depending on the season of the year, time of day, or weather conditions. Therefore, transfers occur

Constantly heat. The function of thermal insulation is to prevent these heat transfer processes.

Therefore home insulation is a very important thing that affects us all, whether for comfort, for savings, for health or for other reasons. And that is that we dedicate a large part of our lives inside our homes.

Insulation can be applied to different parts of the house:

interface isolation. Thermal insulation is applied to the walls of the house either outside or inside or by injecting the air chamber. Depending on the orientation of the house (link), more stringent insulation may be required for the north facade (houses in cold climates) or on the south facade (houses in hot climates).

Roof insulation. Thermal insulation is applied to the roof of the building and it is advisable to accompany it with waterproofing.

Insulation of floors and ceilings. It is recommended in those situations where they are in contact with outdoor or uninhabitable areas, such as garages, access ramps or storage rooms.

Insulation of internal spacers. It is recommended in those situations where they are in contact with unheated public areas or other homes.

Insulation of installations and pipes. In particularly cold environments, it is advisable to insulate fixtures and piping, avoiding loss of power while they are in operation, especially if they are located or circulate outside.

What problems are solved by installing a heat insulator?

The main purpose of installing reflective heat insulators in any building is to maintain a pleasant microclimate inside when outside temperatures are not, which prevents heat transfer between two media thanks to its high degree of thermal resistance.

• In winter, the role of reflective heat insulators is to conserve energy indoors and thus reduce heating consumption, preventing cold from outside from entering the home.

• In summer, on the other hand, it works to prevent overheating of buildings by reducing the transmission of solar radiation absorbed from outside the building to the inside.

Reflective insulators protect building construction elements from the influence of external temperature by breaking existing thermal bridges, which are those areas of the housing envelope that transfer heat more easily to other rooms, increase the building's thermal resistance and improve its habitability.

Finally, well-combined reflective heat insulators avoid problems caused by moisture.

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